
The Wellness Model

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The Wellness Model

The Wellness Model

by Ella Clayton

            At Vertis Therapy, we utilize the Wellness Model to provide patients with the best quality of care possible. The use of the Wellness model is beneficial because it recognizes the patient as a human being, consisting of various parts. The Wellness Model consists of six sections; occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional.

            The occupational section focuses on personal satisfaction through one’s work. To achieve occupational wellness, jobs should utilize individual’s unique gifts, skills, and talents. Having an occupation that you love can increase your quality of life. In nursing homes residents no longer have occupations to fill their time, so having programs that utilize residents’ skills and passions is important for residents’ overall happiness.

The physical section focuses on the need for regular physical activity. Physical activities can range from improving physical strength, flexibility and endurance. Having a healthy, nutritious diet also factors into the physical section of the Wellness Model. By staying physically active and healthy, residents can achieve a higher quality of life.

The social section focuses on the importance of playing an active part in one’s community. It is important for residents have positive interactions with one another, and to positively contribute to their environment. Social wellness focuses on the idea that it is better to live in harmony with others and the environment than to live in conflict with them. Increased social wellness aids in overall happiness.

The intellectual section focuses on the need to expand one’s knowledge and skills through stimulating mental activities. Residents can expand their intellectual wellness through stimulating activities and sharing knowledge with others. Expanding intellectual wellness also includes broadening creative endeavors. Intellectual wellness focuses on the idea that it is better to challenge your mind than become self-satisfied and unproductive.

The spiritual section focuses on the search for meaning and purpose in human existence. Along with the development of an appreciation for the expansive natural forces that exist in the universe. Spiritual wellness means having harmony between internal feelings and the external forces of life. Spiritual wellness focuses on the idea that it is better to ponder the meaning of life for yourself than to blindly accept other’s ideas. It is important for residents to achieve spiritual wellness to feel peace and happiness in daily life.

The emotional section focuses on the awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings. Emotional wellness means being able to cope with the negative aspects of life and appreciating the positive aspects of life. To have a good grasp of emotional wellness one must know their limitations and be able to positively cope with stress. Growing emotional wellness means taking on challenges, taking risks and recognizing that conflict can be potentially healthy. Residents must have good emotional wellness to approach life with a positive outlook.

How can Vertis Therapy help your elders with improved Wellness in their life?