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Marketing & Business Development Assistance

Having the best services and patient outcomes is great, but what if no one knows about them? At Vertis Therapy, we believe marketing to your core audience in a way that resonates with them is just as important as setting up programs.

Our marketing and business development services are focused on taking the great work your facility does and using the results to grow your market niche.

Hospital Discharge Data and Census Building

Take advantage of hospital discharge data and DRG service areas that are lacking in your community.

  • Assistance analyzing discharge data trends in your community to find opportunities
  • Look for underserved DRG areas to create niche programs area that are difficult for local hospitals to cover
  • Increased opportunities for census building and growing your facility’s business

Outcomes Reports

Build solid reports to track patient performance from admission to your facility to their discharge.

  • Detailed performance data can be sorted by physician, referral source, diagnosis, etc.
  • Once information is available, you can market your facility based on the positive outcomes

Physician Marketing Materials

Assistance for helping your physicians – your most important asset – to market themselves and your facility.

  • Identify key physicians to meet with therapists to discuss rehab progress
  • The ultimate goal is to help you develop solid physician-therapist relationships and trust that rehab procedures are being followed.

Community Outreach

We help your facility develop a good reputation within your community or market you serve.

  • Marketing plan is developed to promote your key differentiators and forge relationships with key individuals and organizations

Contact Vertis Therapy today to see how we can help you develop our niche market and build your business!